In today’s episode, I guide you through a holistic releasing practice. Don’t let the simple nature of this practice fool you. It is actually quite powerful!
This isn’t so much a meditation, but rather, a real time energetic practice. As you listen, know that you cannot get this wrong.
The technique I share today was learned over the last twelve years through various trainings I undertook with some of the greatest teachers across multiple disciplines. I also learned this from authors and teachers who are no longer with us, through reading their books.
It you’d like to delve deeper into the world of energetic releasing, you might like some of these books:
1. The Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin
2. Unconditional Bliss by Raphael Cushnir
3. Letting Go by Dr. David Hawkins
4. Healing & Recovery by Dr. David Hawkins
5. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Enjoy today’s energetic releasing practice!