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Here's the Latest
From Me,

If You Don’t Know What You Want…

If you haven’t found your calling in the world, it’s because you’re looking in the wrong place.   You might be restlessly hoping for some perfect career to come along, bringing with it a magic sensation of fireworks blossoming in your heart. You might have an idea of how your worldly calling “should” feel. And […]

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Here's the Latest
From Me,

If You Don’t Know What You Want…

If you haven’t found your calling in the world, it’s because you’re looking in the wrong place.   You might be restlessly hoping for some perfect career to come along, bringing with it a magic sensation of fireworks blossoming in your heart. You might have an idea of how your worldly calling “should” feel. And […]

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Articles Written to
Improve Your Life

The Art of High Vibe Scrolling

There’s a new bug going around that I wanted to tell you about. It’s something I call “Content Sickness”, and it’s becoming a huge problem for all of us. The symptoms of “Content Sickness” are easy to spot. It comes with an energy of busy-ness, restlessness, and a departure from the present moment.

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The Incredible Power of Celibacy

Sex can be beautiful, but it can also be an energetic drain in your life. Whether partnered or single, exchanging sexual energy isn’t always condusive to joy and peace. In fact, there are periods in life when sex is counter to everything your body, mind, and spirit need.  

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How to Be an Empowered Empath

Unlock the hidden power of your unique gifts and talents as an empath and highly sensitive person, and enjoy a sense of balance and peace with these essential strategies. Sensitives CAN be strong, and when you step into your power as an empath, you will become unstoppable.

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Coming out as a Practicing Intuitive

I’ve retired from health & fitness content. Instead, I’m stepping into my lifelong gift as a practicing intuitive. I’m now here to support you in spiritual wellness, healing your life, and feeling your best from the inside out!

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