In today’s episode, you’re going to learn the Un-Scirpting method. This is a method of loosely scripting your YouTube video scripts so that you sound like a conversational genius, and build an audience of people who love your content!
I’ve been using this exact video scripting method for the last 15 years, for all sorts of video styles. It works for instructional talking head videos, cooking videos, workout videos, and basically any video that requires any sort of talking…hint* that’s all of them.
It wouldn’t be a Brenda Turner article if I didn’t address the all-important mindset aspects of this lesson. In a world where millions of people are “trying” to make it as content creators full time, only about one percent will succeed. Do you know why? Because only one percent are willing to take it seriously and do the things I teach about.
YouTube isn’t some magic slot machine that magically burps out money for anyone who posts a video. On multiple occasions, I’ve had friends who find out how much money I make, and decide to give the whole “online business” thing a go. They start throwing videos up without putting in any real effort, they don’t take it seriously, and then they think I’m just “lucky”.
They call it luck, I call it work.
And if you want to be a full-time creator, earning six figures per year, you are going to have to put in the work. It’s a dream job, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world…but it is still a job. And those who treat it like a job are able to make a fantastic living with it. And I’m here to help you do exactly that.
The professional creator must commit to planning, writing, and ideation as a full time aspect of the gig. You must show up daily, and write. You must plan your videos. You must practice your lines out loud. You must then sit in front of a camera and recite your lines in a way that sounds conversational and engaging. This…Requires….Work.
There is no AI shortcut. There is no magic algorithm hack. There is only
1. Discipline
2. Consistency
3. A sincere effort to help or entertain others with your content
If you don’t have all three of these things, please do not waste your time. This line of work is NOT for you. I’m saying that with all the love in my heart, and all sincerity.
My “un-scripting” video script process is a method of planning and practicing your videos so that you sound natural, cohesive, and authoritative. This isn’t the same as a traditional scripting process, where you try to memorize everything word for word. In fact, this is quite the opposite.
I want you to start thinking about the fact that video content is a form of paid public speaking. And excellent public speakers operate in “frameworks”, not based off of scripts. There may be parts of their talks that are memorized, but the majority of excellent public speakers are able to speak confidently and never lose their place because of FRAMEWORKS.
My un-scripting method enforces this by focusing on key points, ideas, and video structure rather than exact words. You’re going to use the template below to help you understand and practice this. After you run through this a few times, it will become more clear. Eventually, you will understand this technique like the back of your hand, and be an eloquent speaker.
The only caveat to that guarantee is that you must must must practice and publish videos on a regular basis to see the results.
The Template
I’ve taken the Un-scripting process I’ve used for 15 years, and designed a template for you to fill out. If you don’t have a printer, you can certainly use this template to guide your way as you type it out.
Side Note*— In terms of taking things seriously, you should consider getting a printer if you don’t already have one. I use my printer very regularly for all sorts of business operations, including printing out video notes to keep me on track during filming.
Download the template below, check your inbox, and meet me back here to follow along and fill out your first video script!

The Opening
The beginning of your video should contain a reconfirmation of what your title promised.
This is the part of the video that I recommend you spend a little time writing out and memorizing.
Many people are calling this “the hook” nowadays. I think that’s kind of silly, and overcomplicates the whole thing. I just call it “the beginning of the video”. I’ve never used clever hooks in my videos, because I think keeping it simple and clear works just fine.
If you want to get fancy with your beginner, go for it. But if you want to keep it simple, just focus on the key benefits your people want.
Really get into their heads and think about WHAT THEY NEED. For instance, in today’s episode, I chose the opening “I’m going to help you sound natural on camera, and build an audience of people who love your content.” Those are the things you care about, and I want you to know in the first ten seconds that’s exactly what you’re getting.
Opener Dos
- State what your viewer will get during the video
- Tie in the KEY BENEFITS they will experience
- Alternatively, start with an enticing and unexpected statement
- Briefly mention WHY the viewer should listen to you
Opener Dont’s
- Asking people to like, subscribe, etc etc
- Waste time
- Over-explaining the video (just jump right in)
Opening Examples
“In today’s episode, you’re going to get everything you need to decorate your dream home with less than $1k. I’m Tina, and I’ve been obsessed with Interior Design since the age of 9.” (cut to video footage of a really pretty living room)
“Today I’m going to share the EXACT method I used to lose 70 lbs in twelve months, without hours of exercise.” (cut to video montage of before and after)
“In today’s adventure vlog, we’re going to go to have a chill lunch, and I’m going to show you how I balance my nervous system with my favorite self care routines” (cut to a quick clip to preview what they’re getting)
Key Points
Your video is built on key points. Once you’ve decided on your opening, brain dump the key points of the video. Limit it to five, but feel free to use less than five. More than five key points tends to clutter the video.
Choose points that you feel are absolutely essential.
Dress Your Points
Take each point and decide on what you want to add to it. This is the fun part. You can add quotes, stories, research, your opinions, and anything else you feel is crucial.
One of the benefits to writing your script is that you’ll likely uncover some gems that add a special something to your video.
Strategic Revenue Call to Action
Being a full time content creator means you have to monetize. And this has nothing whatsoever to do with sponsorships or ad revenue. If you want to make an excellent living from YouTube you should have your own product or service to sell.
As such, it’s important that you decide where in the video would be the most helpful place to mention your products or services. Put this in a place that makes sense, and that goes with the flow of the video. If you need help with this, you can check out one of my monetization programs here.
Helpful Ending
Don’t wrap up your video, and don’t give your viewer any hint that the video is going to end. The minute you start “wrapping up the video” people click out and go to some other channel.
Instead, you’re going to do a smooth and subtle cut that’s almost mid-sentence recommending another video on your channel that’s related to this video.
For example, in today’s episode, you’ll notice mid-sentence I cut to “and if you want to be an idea machine, and make six figures per year with your content, you should watch THIS video, where I break down the writing process to help you do just that!”
Recitation and Practicing
The most important part to the un-scritping process is practicing and reciting your script. So here’s how you’re going to take your “script” and UNSCRIPT it.
Step 1 – Read the whole thing out loud, and decide on anything that needs to be added or cut.
Step 2 – Read it again, and pay attention to what you’re saying and how it feels.
Step 3 – Connect with the ideas as you’re reading it
Step 4 – Set the script aside, and spend the next 24-48 hours practicing the whole thing out loud.
Step 5 – Practice in the shower, while you’re driving, while you’re cooking, while you’re walking etc. Just spend a few minutes here and there running through it, and making it feel super natural.
Memorize the Gems, Not the Words
Now you’re going to decide on the KEY GEMS that are worth memorizing. Notice that as you practice, there are certain statements that really stick out to you and carry excitement to them. Those are the statements you want to memorize.
Memorize the Ideas, Not the Words
Lastly, you’re memorizing the ideas, not the words. If you think of your video as a framework of ideas, you won’t lose your place. You’ll then be able to deliver a more conversational piece of content, and sound like a natural genius.
Go Pro with Your Content
If you’d like to become a Confident Creator, I designed The Confident Creator for you! This course can be completed in a weekend, and will help you to create incredible content with ease.
In addition to the must-know basics of ideation, creation, filming, and editing, there’s a brand new writing module that was just added!

Practice, Post, & Repeat
The more you practice and post your content, the more natural you’ll sound. I promise! Disregard the view count, the gremlin in your head, and the self doubt. Disregard anything outside of the three golden rules of success we started with in today’s episode:
1. Discipline
2. Consistency
3. A strong desire to help others with your content.
With these three things, your success is inevitable.