Hey Friend,
I was down to my last can of tuna, and had about $25 in my account. I was a broke as a joke personal trainer living paycheck to paycheck. I loved my job, but the money was very unpredictable. And it wasn’t unusual to have many months of a “barely scraping by” pantry.
Then, one fateful day, something snapped. I was SO sick of living this way.
I opened my pantry to grab that can of tuna, and a wave of absolute determination washed over me. I AM CHOOSING A NEW LIFE.
By that time I’d been studying internet marketing, and trying to figure out how the heck to get an online business started. I had one foot in my little online business, and one foot in personal training.
That one fateful day, I did something radical. I burned the boats and made a choice.
I chose to quit my job at the gym, and dedicate 100% of my effort into my online business. Sink or swim. With a can of tuna, $25 in my account, and zero backup plan, I hurled myself into making my online business work. (Side note: don’t burn your boats without a very deep desire to succeed)
Within the first month of that choice, I made enough money to buy more than a few cans of tuna and pay my rent. Within the first year, I doubled my income. I hit my first six-figure year not long after that. By far, the best luxury money has bought me? A free and spacious calendar.
At this point, I can honestly say that every human being can write their own checks. Every human being can decide exactly how much money they want to earn, to the penny, and have that amount in a reasonable amount of time.
In other words, YOU can write your own checks. YOU can decide exactly how much money you want to earn. And YOU can have the freedom of choosing if you want to double your income. Isn’t that awesome?
Money is 100% a Mindset
To double your income, there are some simple mindset shifts that need to happen. Mindset is the key to all of this.
Tactics matter, sure. But mindset is what makes the tactics work. Mindset is the electricity. Mindset is the power cord plugged into a wall. Tactics without mindset is like an unplugged toaster. It’s a cool gadget, but it’s not doing anything until you Plug. It. In!
Key Takeaways
- Stop caring what other people think
- Let go of resisting discomfort
- Let go of resisting fear
- Feel the fear and do. it. ANYWAY!
- Money is a side effect
- Money does not bring happiness.
- A commitment to deep work IS the reward
- When you commit to your deep work, you are abundant by default.
In today’s video, you’ll get the nitty gritty on money mindset shifts that will easily double your income.